Triple Cities Bees
I am a Cornell certified Master Beekeeper that strives to produce the gentlest most productive bees. I also pride myself on the healthy pure raw varietal honey my bees produce.
Bees for Sale
New York State inspected and certified, 5 frame nucleus colonies $ 150.00 and Queens $30. Call for availability.
Honey for Sale
Our honey is healthy pure raw and not heat treated. Honey is seasonal: current honey varieties and prices. Goldenrod honey $10 lb., 5 lb. jar $45. Asian Knotweed honey $5 lb.
Host a Hive
When hives are available we offer host a hive within a 30 mile radius of Endicott, N.Y. Our hive your yard, we can use this hive to mentor you and you get a percentage of the honey.
For a small fee, we will provide the learning environment to teach you how to set up and maintain a viable and thriving colony of honey bees. for info call or email us.